Friday, June 27, 2008

Defying Gravity

Not much to say... but I thought it was funny when Ethan put this coffee canister on his head and then it wouldn't fall off. Not that he was trying to get it off, but regardless of how he moved, it stayed there.

We went to the park yesterday and had the place to ourselves. He wanted to practice going up and down the steps. When it was starting to get too hot to be out much longer, he decided he wanted to slide.

Well, I thought I was going to be able to finish this before he woke up. Guess not. I'll just add one more thing... Most kids want to sleep with a stuffed animal or something. Mine kept asking to take a can of soup with him to bed. : )

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've heard of Christmas in July, but snow in June?

I've had to be out of the house some while work's being done to the ceiling. And when I've been home, there've been thunderstorms. I haven't been on the computer much. There weren't any storms yesterday when I got home, but it looked like the inside of my house was hit by a snowstorm - : ) There was sheetrock dust everywhere! From a little tiny strip down the middle of the living room ceiling. I spent the rest of yesterday wiping down virtually everything I own, every surface in the house, and vacuuming like crazy. Ceiling isn't finished yet, but I get a break from the work today.

I've been working on my corset tee some more and I think it just might fit. (Sorry Heather. Seriously, though, when you see it, if you want to pick out a color/colors for yours... I'll make you one. When Mama saw how it looks so far, the first thing she said is, "Heather's going to like that!" ) I'll get a picture of it on here later. I was in the middle of trying to get a pic of my progress on it when Ethan had a potty emergency. Then he saw the bathtub and wanted a bath. Which he needed anyway because we were all covered in sheetrock dust....

He's seeming to get this potty thing. I've found him a couple of times (when he didn't tell me that he had to potty) when he'd go and pee in the floor next to the toilet. A mess for me, but it shows me that he's making a connection. He can't climb onto the toilet himself, so that may be why he gets the floor.

We had a horrible night last night. Ethan kept waking up screaming. So I'm glad I don't necessarily have to get out of the house today. I was certainly happy when I was able to get up at 5 a.m. without disturbing him and make my much-needed coffee.

Now it's time to see what adventures today holds for us...

Okay, so here's some progress on my shirt I'm making -- the top part is the neckline and the sort-of off-shoulder sleeve. (Actually, it can be worn like a tank as well, only it will button up the front.) When I get more done on the body, I'll try to get a pic of what it will look like on. I'm not the best photographer, and the shirt is a little bunched up on the needles, but you get a general idea.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So little time...

Ethan is doing so well with lots of things. More consistent potty success this weekend. He wanted to put his shoes on himself before church this morning -- and got them on the wrong feet, but he insisted on keeping them that way. : ) Not long after I fixed them, he had them back on the wrong feet again. He also has some of these alphabet magnets on the fridge, and he'll bring me one for me to identify what letter it is. He brought me an "F" this morning and signed "T." For him to be just learning, and for his vision to be not-so-great, I was rather excited!
I've done a little more on my swimsuit cover-up, but I found yet another project to try. It's a cute little knit corset-tee. It's knit from the top down, and I have the lacy neckline started. Here's hoping it fits.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Who stole my motivation?

Looks like I'll be taking care of yesterday's stuff today... I just felt *blah* all day. I got a few things done, but spent a good bit of time working on a swim suit cover-up I'm knitting for myself. I'm determined to finish it before summer is over!! I'm about half-way there. Then I got side-tracked. I always have a zillion projects at once. So I put that down and experimented with some other things and made two little gifty things. I think the cloudy weather had me out of sorts. It finally started raining about 4 p.m. Ethan wanted to play on the porch all afternoon, and I had to drag him inside. Just in time, too, because it started pouring. He put on his hat, stood at the window and held his hands out, cupped as though he were trying to catch the water. You can see that he's practicing to become his own tattoo artist.

I basically got nothing done around the house. After I cooked dinner and cleaned that up, I really began to crave the chocolate chip cookies Heather made for Father's Day, but didn't feel like making them. But I got myself up and did it anyway... And managed to get all the ingredients into the bowl without any accidents - little hands kept grabbing at bowls and such... I was really close to having 3 3/4 cups of flour all over the floor! But the end result was definitely worth it all!!

Ethan has just become successful at putting his shoes on by himself. He came walking out of his room this morning with shoes on his feet -- they were two different shoes, and they were both left shoes... but they were on!!

I've made my first attempt at felting a knit project today. I knit a swatch to see how much this yarn shrinks. It's drying, now, and I'm not sure if it did what it's supposed to, but we'll see. I thought the stitching was supposed to "disappear" more than it did. I'm waiting for it to dry, then I'll block it and "groom" it a bit. Here's how it looks now.

Guess that's enough rambling for one day.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Got Dirt?

Took Ethan to the park this morning because it actually didn't feel like a sauna when we walked out the door. He preferred to run through the grass and dirt instead of slide. So he was filthy when we left. But we ran to Wal-Mart, despite the dirt, before heading home to clean up. And on top of having a can of Coke explode in the car the other day... I have a mess on my hands.

My nephew has been asking me for months to make him an airplane, because I'm always knitting things for my niece. He's three, and I am hoping he doesn't get upset because it won't fly. But I finally found a pattern for a plane, and finished crocheting it today. And it looks really dorky.
Ethan has used the potty twice today!!! The second time, he actually came to me and signed "potty." He usually sits there willingly, but doesn't go. But he did yesterday once, and today twice!! Maybe the Oreo reinforcement is key... : )