Monday, August 11, 2008

Random Crafting

This is the reason I don't get things accomplished that I need to get accomplished. Or why it takes me forever to finish a project. I get sidetracked so easily. I may be knitting something and an idea pop into my head about beading, so I go pull out my wire and beads and needlenose pliers... My sister has me experimenting with card-making. I'm no good at it, so no one will probably ever see my gaudy creations (I don't have an eye for color and layout like she does -- I just like sparkly things and pouring glitter on cardstock fulfills my need for bling-y stuff for the moment. Either that or I put on sparkly-sparkly eyeshadow, but we won't get into that...) And while I'm in the middle of something else, the paint bug bites me -- I like to paint glassware. (I guess I need to start taking pics of some of my other stuff -- don't know why I only get shots of my knitting.) I've also decided to try hand-dying/painting my own yarn, and my first shipment of those supplies will be in this week. I only have 2 weeks before I have to go back to work, so I have a lot to do!!! Well, I just had to get that out. Because it is insane, the number of projects I have started and are in waiting...


Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

YES! you do need to start taking pics of all your art! You rock and you should show it off. I laughed at your idea of bling and throwing in the eyeshadow comment :) lol!!! Yepers, I am right there with you! :)

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

YES! you do need to start taking pics of all your art! You rock and you should show it off. I laughed at your idea of bling and throwing in the eyeshadow comment :) lol!!! Yepers, I am right there with you! :)

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

how'd I do that???

Becky said...

must have been a computer glitch