Thursday, August 7, 2008

Do I look pretty?

Ethan is at that stage where he wants to pretend to do everything he sees mommy do. He loves to stand in front of the bathroom sink and pretend to put on makeup. He usually does this while I'm putting on mine. I give him an old brush and an empty makeup container. Because if it doesn't look like what I'm using, it's no good, you know. If, on a whim, he decides to "put on makeup" at random times throughout the day (i.e. when I'm not looking and he finds an opportunity), he is coloring his face with markers in front of the mirror. Good thing I only buy washables! The other day, he picked up my eyelash curler and I just had to get some pictures.


Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Thats priceless!!! how cute!!!

Stacy said...

Hey Girl you won some blog candy! E-mail me your snail mail so I can get it to you!!! Congrats